'18 MCAC Operations Survey

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Please select the description which best describes your role(s) within the MCAC: *
Select all which apply
This question applies only to employees of MCAC member colleges. Please select which phrase describes the length of time you have been affiliated with the MCAC. *
Please select only the best answer
This question applies to individuals not employed by MCAC member colleges. "Select which phrase best describes the length of time you have been affiliated with the MCAC."
Please provide your opinion on the following statement. "The Conference website (www.MCACSPORTS.org) and social media feeds are effective communications tools for MCAC member colleges and constituents." *
Please provide your opinion on the following statement: "The Conference office is effective in the management and use of the website."
Please provide your opinion on the following question. "The Conference office is conducted in a professional manner and is a positive representative of the MCAC." *
Please provide your opinion on the following statement. "The Conference office is equitable and fair in representing all sports and both genders in media coverage, sport administration and support."
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Conference office provides timely responses in answering questions or giving feedback on related items." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "Pre-season calls with coaches groups are effective tools for reviewing sport operating codes with coaches." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "Post-season coaches meetings / calls are effective at improving the conduct of sport in the MCAC." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The MCAC Conference office facilitates the ability of programs to submit and publicize statistics, scores and related policies. *
This question is for individuals with roles connected to sports which require film exchange. Please answer only if your role involves film exchange in one or more sports. "The Conference office effectively administrates film exchange between MCAC member colleges."
Answer this question only if film exchange applies to your role(s) at a MCAC member college.
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Conference office is successful in promoting the achievements and accomplishments of MCAC member colleges, MCAC programs and student-athletes." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Conference office is effective in terms of collaboration with coaches and administrators and is transparent in those processes." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Conference office listens to the concerns of coaches and seeks solutions that are fair and in the best interest of the Conference as a whole." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Conference office annually reviews sport codes and responds to questions or concerns in sport legislative areas." *
Please provide your opinion on the following topic. "The Fall and Spring General Assembly meetings are effective in creating positive change within the MCAC." *
The purpose of this question is for self-reflection and organizational feedback from our members. Please provide your opinion on the following statement. "Our member college has a strong understanding of the difference between the MCAC, NJCAA Region XIII and NJCAA national processes." *
* required field