MCAC Non-Contest Form

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Note- It is the responsibility of each MCAC member institution to understand and adhere to pertinent forfeit policies.
Note: MCAC policies apply only to MCAC regular season and/or playoff contests. If the non-contest(s) does not fall under this criteria, do not submit this form.
E.g.: VB, Smith Community College
E.g.: Friday, Sept. 29th at Jones Community College
Note- Non-contest(s) forms must be submitted by the athletic administrative representative designated by the MCAC member school. Coaches are not to submit or solicit non-contest forms or payment unless they are also listed as an athletic administration representative.
Note- If an MCAC school creates a non-contest(s) with less than 72 hours notice, an additional $100 officials fee shall apply.
Note: MCAC policy requires non-contest(s) fines to be paid from the offending college to the college which is to receive payment within 60 days of the submission of the forfeiture form.
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