2019 MCAC Football Preview Form

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Do not rank teams in the opposite Division.
Your selection may be from either Division.
E.g.: 4-5 Overall - 2-3 Division - 3rd Place West
E.g.: Barry Sanders, RB, Wichita KS; John Elway, QB, Port Angles, WA; Jan Stenerud, Festund, Norway; ...
E.g.: Barry Sanders, RB, Wichita KS; John Elway, QB, Port Angles, WA; Jan Stenerud, Festund, Norway; ...
E.g.: Facility improvements, key staff additions, human interest stories, ...
E.g.: Hometown Times, Hometown, MN. Joe Johnson, sports editior. jjohnson@htt.org
E.g.: Jane Doe, Director of Marketing at Hometown College, jdoe@hometown.edu
* required field